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Theresa Salieri in Amadeus

Written by:
Peter Schaffer

Directed by:
Robert Hupp

Produced by:
Syracuse Stage

Amadeus chronicles the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart from the point of view of his bitter rival, Antonio Salieri. Salieri may be talented, but witnessing the unparalleled genius of Mozart leads him down a dark path where he swears revenge on God for not giving him Mozart's incredible gifts. Freddy played Salieri's cold, neglected wife Theresa, earning him equity membership candidacy. Theresa must bear the public shame of Salieri's infidelity, and failure as he parades her out only to save face at public events. It was a mature role for a college aged actor, and Freddy brought his best at a professional level next to the seasoned leading cast.

Freddy as Theresa Salieri 1
Freddy as Theresa Salieri 2
Freddy as Theresa Salieri 3
Freddy as Theresa Salieri


"The production featured a few lucky and talented Syracuse University drama student performers delivering professional and standout performances... The casting was top-notch as these amazing actors delivered a performance that they and the audience will certainly not forget. The emotion they must have been feeling delivering their roles for this performance is unimaginable. The result was perfection" - Broadway World

"This version, jointly mounted by Syracuse Stage and the drama department of Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts, whose students cover the smaller ensemble parts, is artistically successful in every way... The supporting cast is marvelous." - The Wall Street Journal

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