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Casual: A World Premiere of a New Play

Written by:
Sam Lee Victor

Directed by:
Acadia Barrengos

Produced by:
We Who Wander
A group of college students live in an over-crowded apartment in New York City. Casey is the only person with a name on the lease, while Jesse, Anthony, and Kyle are glorified squatters. When Jesse, Casey, and Anthony get a call from Kyle’s girlfriend telling them that Kyle has cheated on her, Jesse is unable to come to terms with it. It forces him to confront his own complicated relationship with sex as a gay, trans man, and sets him on a path to try and have “casual” sex of his own with a sex worker named Luca. Funny, heartfelt, and vulnerable, Casual is a very special new play Freddy is honored to be a part of bringing to life for the first time.
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